Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Happy Anniversary!

 On June 28, 2011 we celebrated three years of marriage.
Adam spoiled me with three beautiful roses and a box of Betsy Ann truffles.  
These truffles are the best chocolates I have ever had!

An adventure with the Osiers!

This picture was taken Monday, June 27th after we set out on an "adventure" near our home.  Adam and I were feeling kind of restless and wanting to get out of the house so we decided to go for a walk.  I strapped on the baby bjorn, placed Jacobi in it and we were off!  Our first stop was the Ruthfred Market which is just down the street from our house.  We weren't looking to buy anything in particular, but basically just wanted to see what they had in stock.  As we walked towards the back of the store we passed a gentleman who appeared to be a worker there.  He didn't have a uniform on or anything, but he was straightening up some of the produce.  A few minutes later we were deciding whether or not we wanted to buy some strawberries and we ventured back to the produce section when we ran into the same gentleman who then asked "do you know the store closes at 8pm?" to which we replied: "what time is it".  It was a few minutes after 8pm and we felt really bad so we started walking towards the door and then realized we should maybe buy something since we were keeping the workers past closing time, but then thought maybe they had already closed the cash register first so we asked and they hadn't so....we bought a bag of pretzels;)  After that we decided to stop in at the Family Deli next door...they were open until 9pm!  We again just wanted to browse as we are trying to familiarize ourselves with all of the stores/prices in the area.  We chatted with the workers and then were on our way again.  Next stop...a house across the street from the Market/Deli.  Don't worry, we didn't just drop in on some strangers...a couple from the church live there and we saw that they were working out in their garage so we wanted to stop and say "hi".  We were even more intrigued to stop when we saw the car they had parked in their driveway...a red chevy corvette!  We wiped the drool from our faces, I mean Jacobi's face(he is teething) ;) and went to say "hello".  We had a nice time visiting for a few minutes and then once again we were on our way.  By this time Jacobi was strapped to Adam and we decided to take the long way back to the house by walking around the church parking lot.  We walked pretty much the entire perimeter of the parking lot and then also the perimeter of the churches baseball diamond.  As we walked and talked we enjoyed some of the pretzels we bought at the Market.  As we were talking I kept saying "if neighbors can see us they must be thinking we are really weird...and bored".  Oh well.  :)  We finished our walk in the parking lot/baseball field and made the trek up our driveway, I took a picture of my two favorite boys and then we got Jacobi ready for bed.   
The End.

I hope you enjoyed the story of our recent adventure.  We really do lead a more exciting life than walks in grocery stores, parking lots and baseball fields.  We just haven't taken any pictures of the other fun things we have, I thought we needed to start somewhere.  Enjoy! :)

Thursday, June 23, 2011


This post is out of sequence, but I thought it should be included anyway:)

On May 6th Jacobi was able to celebrate his friend Sawyer's 1st birthday.
Love, Jacobi

Towards the end of May we were preparing to pack and move and decided to clean out our closets and get rid of things we no longer needed.  Our friend Tanya was planning to have a garage sale and was kind enough to allow us to place our stuff on her sale.  The garage sale was not what we would call a success, but Tanya & I enjoyed the time we could spend together hanging out in the garage with our boys.  The weather was unseasonably cool for May...thus the hats and mittens:)

Sawyer & Jacobi 
Yes, that is a price tag on Jacobi's hat...he was doing a little advertising.  
It's too bad it didn't help to increase our sales;)  

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Our Home...

Living Room

Dining Room


Breakfast Nook/TV room/Office

Master Bedroom

Guest Bedroom

Jacobi's Bedroom

 This is a picture of the church that Adam is interning at
**taken from the breakfast nook area of our house**

Packing & Moving

Tuesday, May 31st we packed a moving truck & our mini van with all of our belongings.  We then headed from Minnesota to Iowa to store what we wouldn't be bringing to Pennsylvania at my(Courtney's) parent's house.  Thursday, June 2nd we started the drive to Bethel Park, PA.  We drove from Calamus, IA to Dayton, OH.  It was a 7 1/2 hour drive and we only stopped twice before arriving at our hotel for the night.  On the 3rd we drove the remaining 4 hours from Dayton, OH to Bethel Park, PA.  Jacobi was a great traveler...he only had one melt-down the entire trip!

Below you can see a progression of the packing/moving process.  We are thankful to be settled into our new home and will post pictures if it soon.

packing up the apartment

our friend Tanya and her son Sawyer helping us by cleaning out the fridge

Jacobi passing the time in the car by chewing on whatever he could get in his mouth:)

sorting and storing things in IA

Jacobi looks how mommy & daddy felt about the whole moving/sorting/ packing/storing situation;)


On June 1st we were able to spend the day with cousins Alexa & Avery and also 
celebrate cousin Avery's 2nd birthday


June 2nd
Jacobi & Woody gearing up for the big trip to PA

Jacobi's first hotel stay

downtown Pittsburgh

trying out our first restaurant in PA(DeLallo's)
**dinner out with grandma Dodie & grandpa Jeff**

Our new home!