Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Our new home...


 Spare Bedroom

 Living Room

 Dining Room


 Jacobi's Bedroom

 Jacobi's Closet/Play Room

 Master Bedroom

 Baby's Bedroom

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Jacobi loves to read.  The majority of our "reading" time is spent with him pointing at objects asking us what they are.  When asked he will repeat the word(s) back to us...most of the time.  Some of his favorite words are truck, bus, balloon, boat, banana, apple & clock. 

Springtime fun...

Our month of travels allowed us to spend lots 
of time with family and a few friends too.  
Here are a few highlights:

Reading with Grandma Pat

Daddy & Jacobi with Grandpa Pat, Grandma Dee, Uncle Josh & Aunt Ali

Jacobi reunited with his friend Casey :)

Jacobi & great-Grandpa Jim with Casey

Daddy & Jacobi with our friend Sawyer

Jacobi & cousin Avery coloring

Playing in the sand with cousins Alexa & Avery

Riding on the lawnmower with Grandpa Jeff

Jacobi with cousin Avery & our friend Luke

Jacobi trying to make friends with his cousin Jadyn

A picnic at the park with some of mommy's cousins & their kiddos

Sitting in uncle Josh's John Deere tractor

A picnic at the pond to celebrate Grandma Dodie's birthday