Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Boots & Corn

Yes, this is a very random grouping of pictures for a post, but I figured we could make it work:)

Jacobi is just able to wear the boots that he got from his Uncle Josh & Aunt Teisha for his birthday.  He likes to put them on, but is ready to have them off again in about 2 minutes:)

 One friday morning/afternoon Adam & I cooked,
cut & froze 39 quart size bags of corn.
We were gifted 3 laundry baskets full of sweet corn &
worked from 9:30am - 3pm on this project.
Jacobi enjoyed watching daddy cut the corn
off of the cob using the electric knife:)

 We had quite a mess to clean up when we were finished, but thankfully 
had most of it done by the time Jacobi woke up from his nap.


Adam officiate at the wedding of some friends of ours.

Adam's Cousin Steve & his new bride Haley were married the end of July.

Adam's Aunt Cari & Cousin Mataya

Aunt Cari teaching Jacobi how to blow bubbles

Jacobi giving it a try;)

my handsome groom & I

Grandma Liz & Cari

2nd cousins: Abby, Jacobi & Mataya

Adam's cousin Abby...

...and her sister Mataya

Adam's Grandma Liz...

...and Grandpa Jim

Adam's cousin Chandra & her daughter Lucia

I'm not exactly sure what is going on in the following 3 pictures, but I thinking 
Jacobi is trying to feed Abby various things: bubbles, sticks, rocks...

The kiddos were not shy when the dance music started.

Jacobi is bustin' a move...

...and he thoroughly enjoyed the colorful disco ball!
He was trying to catch the spots on the floor:)

The bride & groom's first dance.

Vacation Bible School 2012

Jacobi enjoyed spending some time at VBS(Vacation Bible School) this year.  He was a little young to be in a class but he enjoyed the puppet shows, craft & game time as well as watching all of the other big kids:)

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Fun in the sun!

Jacobi loves to be outside!  
His favorite toys include a bucket, sidewalk chalk, rocks 
& mommy's watering can:).
We sit on our back step & I pour a little water into his bucket for him to splash around in, or as you will see in a picture below, he fills the bucket with rocks.  
Since he is starting to recognize colors he will ask the color of the rocks that he finds to put in his bucket & claps for himself when he gets it correct:)

 Here Jacobi thought he would try to take a bite of a rock...

 ...then mommy explained that would hurt his teeth, so here you have a few 
toothy grins to prove that he did not injure his teeth in any way;)

Here she is!

Here are a few pictures of our baby girl from a 29 week 3D ultrasound.

3D profile (she is facing the Rt. of the screen & her arm/hand are up by her face)