Living without all of our "stuff" made us appreciate it all the more when it finally arrived. Our belongings were delayed in being delivered to us due to the company not having a driver "available" to take the load. We were quite disappointed with the delay, but we survived:)
We had a generous and gracious couple from our congregation house us for a week & then we decided to move in to our new home with just a few (borrowed) bare necessities. It was challenging in some ways, but in many ways it was easier than dealing with all of our "stuff" when it finally did arrive. Unpacking all of the boxes & finding a new home for all of our possessions was quite a daunting task. But, thanks to my wonderful husband who can't stand to live amongst clutter...we tackled the job quite efficiently.
The kids keeping themselves occupied with coloring amongst our almost toy-free home.
Kaia's Room
Jacobi's Room
Mommy & Daddy's Room
Our new home.
Unloading a few things from the church to get us by until our belongings arrived.

Jacobi watching a movie while Mommy & Grandma paint
Kaia initiating a wrestling match;)
I think she won!
Hallelujah! Our things have finally arrived!
So much packing paper.
Thrilled to have their own beds & so many "new" books that they had forgotten about:)