Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Spring Break!

Valley City, ND (April 11th - 17th)

Grandma Pat's backyard before and after 8 inches of snow fell overnight on April 14th...we thought it was supposed to be Spring?!?

Hanging out with Grandma Pat

a bridge in town covered with water

 Mommy & Jacobi at Grandma Pat's

Mommy's friend Jessica came to hang out and meet Jacobi for the first time!

Jacobi hanging out with daddy and aunt Ali

Celebrating Grandma Pat's birthday with Angel Food Cake topped with strawberries

Calamus, IA (April 20th - 25th)

 Mommy, Jacobi and mommy's cousin Carrie

Jacobi & his 2nd cousin, Jayden...she is 9 months old...he is 3 1/2 months old:)

Celebrating Grandpa Jeff's birthday with yellow cake & chocolate frosting!

hanging out with uncle Josh...Jacobi really wasn't as upset as he looks;)

"I'm not so sure about this mom"

Yes, he did try to eat the bubbles:)


Jacobi's First Easter

"hmm, what's in here?"

Jacobi with great-grandma Jacobi

Carson, great aunt Kim and Jacobi

aunt Teisha, Jacobi & Avery

great aunt Dawn, great grandma Goettsch and Jacobi

Grandma Dodie, Jacobi and Grandpa Jeff


Back at home...

"Now that we are back at home it's time for some R & R." ;)

**check back soon...there are a few pictures we're missing**

1 comment:

  1. Alexa and Avery are SO BIG! Looks like they love Jacobi, but then again, who wouldn't. :) I can't believe the Valley City flooding... again... :(
